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    Physical Changes to Expect While on Testosterone

      |  Apr 26, 2023

    This transformative journey can be full of questions, anticipation, and maybe a little anxiety. However, understanding the physical changes that will occur can empower you to embrace the process confidently.

    What to Expect

    Let's set the stage by stating that each individual's experience with testosterone therapy can be slightly different. Factors such as your age, overall health, and the prescribed dosage can affect the pace and extent of changes. Nonetheless, there are some common changes that most men on testosterone therapy can anticipate.

    Body Composition

    One of the most noticeable changes is often in body composition. Testosterone promotes muscle growth and fat redistribution, causing men to develop a more masculine physique. You may notice increased muscle mass, particularly in the upper body, and a decrease in body fat, especially around the hips and thighs. Some men also experience weight gain due to the increase in muscle mass.


    Next, you might observe changes in your skin. Testosterone stimulates the oil glands, making your skin oilier and more prone to acne, just like during puberty. Simultaneously, you may find your skin becoming thicker and coarser.


    Hair is another area affected by testosterone therapy. You might see increased facial and body hair growth, especially on the chest, abdomen, and legs. On the flip side, men with a genetic predisposition for male pattern baldness might experience accelerated hair thinning or loss on their scalps.


    You might also notice changes in your voice. Testosterone causes the vocal cords to thicken, leading to a deeper, more resonant voice. This change is usually gradual and can take several months to years to fully develop.

    Sexual Health

    Sexual changes are also a significant part of testosterone therapy. You may experience an increased sex drive (libido), along with changes in sexual function and fertility. It’s important to discuss these changes and their implications with your clinician if you have concerns.

    Testosterone also plays a role in red blood cell production. As such, therapy can lead to increased red blood cell count, contributing to higher energy levels but also a thicker blood consistency, which needs to be monitored by your clinician.

    Finally, keep in mind that these physical changes are not instantaneous. They unfold gradually over months and even years. It’s also important to remember that while testosterone therapy can create significant physical changes, it does not replace the need for a balanced diet, regular exercise, good sleep, and overall healthy habits.