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    Taurine: Does it Unlock Longevity?

      |  Jun 22, 2023

    Taurine, a naturally occurring amino acid found abundantly in our bodies and certain foods, has recently emerged as a subject of interest in the field of longevity research. A new study published in Science has shed light on the potential role of taurine in promoting longevity and healthy aging.

    Will taking taurine supplements increase my lifespan?

    While the recently published study in the reputable journal Science does indeed shed light on the potential benefits of Taurine supplementation in promoting healthier aging in monkeys and mice, caution is required before extrapolating these findings to human use. Two primary reasons underscore this caution.

    First, it's crucial to remember that research results from animal studies often don't translate directly to humans. Despite the significant impacts of Taurine supplementation on aging markers and functional measures, including walk speed, grip strength, and fat mass across multiple species, biological differences between humans and these animal models can result in varying outcomes.

    Second, our understanding of the mechanisms behind Taurine's effects is still in its infancy, albeit promising. Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid that seems particularly vital for enhancing mitochondrial function, especially under stress conditions. It appears to boost mitochondrial antioxidant capacity, thereby protecting these essential cell components from damage. However, the exact processes and pathways through which Taurine exerts these beneficial effects remain largely uncharted territory.

    Interestingly, this new insight aligns with recent research highlighting the central role of mitochondrial health in the aging process, with other molecules like NAD+ and Urolithin A similarly influencing mitochondrial functionality. It adds another thread to the complex tapestry of aging we are gradually unraveling.

    Instead of rushing to consume Taurine supplements, these groundbreaking findings should motivate us to dig deeper into the intricate cellular mechanisms driving aging. As we gain a better understanding of how Taurine functions, we can more effectively utilize it, and potentially other similar compounds, to promote healthier, longer lives.

    What can I do to support mitochondrial health in the meantime?

    Mitochondria play a vital role in generating the energy necessary for our cells to function optimally, making their well-being indispensable for maintaining overall health and promoting longevity. There are 3 main supplements we recommend to support healthy mitochondrial function:

    1. B Vitamins 

    B vitamins are essential for converting the food we eat into the energy that our cells need to perform their functions. They also assist in the production of important molecules involved in mitochondrial metabolism. Additionally, B vitamins help protect mitochondria from oxidative stress, which is a condition where harmful free radicals can damage the mitochondria and impair their function.

    Insufficient levels of B vitamins can impair mitochondrial function, leading to decreased energy production and potential negative impacts on overall health. Modern Age offers a Vitamin B12 Injection for an easy way to supplement.

    2. Magnesium

    Magnesium plays a key role in the energy production process that occurs within mitochondria. Magnesium is required for the proper functioning of enzymes involved in ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production, which is the energy currency of our cells.

    Furthermore, magnesium helps maintain the electrical balance within mitochondria, allowing them to generate energy efficiently. It also supports mitochondrial DNA stability, which is crucial for their overall function and health. You can take an oral magnesium supplement to ensure your levels stay intact.

    3. NAD+

    It serves as a coenzyme, which means it helps enzymes carry out their functions within mitochondria. NAD+ is involved in important processes, such as the transfer of electrons during energy production.

    As we age, NAD+ levels tend to decline, which can negatively impact mitochondrial function. Supplementing with NAD+ or its precursor molecules, such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) or nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), has been shown to support mitochondrial health and promote energy production.

    Modern Age offers an NAD+ Injection and an NAD+ IV Drip in our NYC clinics.