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    Understanding and Addressing Vitamin D Deficiency

      |  Aug 08, 2023

    Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the healthy functioning of our bodies. 

    Without Vitamin D, our bodies can’t absorb calcium and phosphorus, two nutrients that build strong bones and maintain them. Proper Vitamin D levels can help prevent diseases like MS and osteoporosis, along with bone fractures that are more common with aging. 

    But Vitamin D’s benefits go way beyond bone health. Vitamin D is also an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It supports immune health, muscle function, and brain cell activity. People with inadequate levels of Vitamin D might even be more susceptible to auto-immune diseases, including type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. 

    Despite Vitamin D’s importance for healthy, well functioning bodies, 1 in 4 adults still have a Vitamin D deficiency. 

    Signs of Vitamin D deficiency

    How do you know you have a Vitamin D deficiency? Symptoms range from fatigue and poor sleep to depression, hair loss, and more frequent illnesses, like the common cold. You might also experience mood related symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency in colder months where you get less sun exposure, commonly called seasonal depression. 

    If you suspect you have a Vitamin D deficiency you could have your Vitamin D levels measured at your doctor or with a comprehensive blood work panel, like Modern Age’s Aging Wellness Assessment

    How to increase Vitamin D levels safely

    Our bodies create Vitamin D through sun exposure, and you can add it to your diet through fortified milks, cereals, and fatty fish. Unfortunately without adequate sun exposure, it isn’t easy to increase your Vitamin D function with food alone. If you want to be confident that you’re absorbing enough Vitamin D, there are several over the counter and clinical treatments available.

    Supplements are a popular way to increase Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D comes in two forms, Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is more potent and better absorbed than Vitamin D2, so look for a supplement that contains D3

    Injections are another way to absorb Vitamin D, as they deliver a high dose of the vitamin directly to the bloodstream. If you don’t want to worry about remembering to take a pill everyday, a monthly injection can help maintain Vitamin D levels quickly and efficiently.

    Before you purchase a supplement or book an injection appointment, make sure you won’t be over-increasing your Vitamin D levels. Taking too much vitamin D (over 4,000 IU a day) can lead to constipation, kidney stones, and/or nausea and vomiting. People taking certain medications should also be aware of how they interact with Vitamin D.

    Do you need more Vitamin D?

    If you suspect you have a Vitamin D deficiency, Modern Age’s Aging Wellness Assessment can provide a holistic assessment of your health across 50 biomarkers, alongside a bone density scan, and cognitive function tests. You’ll work one on one with one of our licensed clinicians to create a unique plan of action for improving your health and alleviating the common issues that come with aging.